Apparently I've been posting about knitting a lot, leading some (*ahem* you know who you are) thinking that I might be just a wee bit obsessed and that I have nothing else going on in my life. (Just kidding of course CK).
The weather here this week is amazing for January in Pittsburgh. It feels like Spring outside. This morning when I was walking down the hill to the bus stop, I even heard birds singing. It makes me long for Springtime and the renewal of life that comes with it. I've even got a jump start on reading some gardening books so that I can have an even more amazing porch garden this year than before.
On my walks too and from the bus stop, I am always surprised by just how much I love my neighborhood. Sure, my car seems to be a sitting target for anyone that wants to back into it (this time my neighbor's car was hit and pushed into mine-- Jasmine (aka my Explorer) did not suffer any damage, but my neighbor's car did :-( ), but other than that and the incident with Hubby's radio being stolen out of his car, things there pretty lovely.
The hubby and I had some really wonderful time together over the weekend. His schedule was nutso, but we had a really enjoyable time being together and loving it. It left me feeling renewed and quite content. I won't see him much this week due to schedule conflicts, so I'm glad we had this lovely time together.
I am still battling the cold that never ends (aka the cold that *almost* goes away but then makes a stealthy return). I'm going on two weeks of this now and I'm ready to be done with it. Hubby (aka he of the normal immune system) has had it and gotten over it already. It's probably a good thing though considering how busy he is.
Just a small tidbit of knitting related news.... there is a new yarn store in the plaza where Trader Joe's. I AM IN TROUBLE. I love looking at yarn. I really think I could buy it and just look at it and be happy.
I am thinking about signing up for another writing class at PCA this semester. I have really missed having a regular writing group and being accountable to others helped me to write on a more regular basis. I'm hoping some of the members of my previous class sign up as well. They were really a joy to know and share with.
I leave you with a picture of a snowy Pittsburgh day in "the neighborhood" (now the Mr. Roger's song is stuck in my head... appropriate since I live in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood literally!). As warm as it is today, it's hard to believe this was only a couple of weeks ago...
I welcome tidings of comfort and joy ('cause they're not just for Christmas).
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