Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Help! I Married a Doctor!

I just found the most amazing thing on Ravelry--A group titled (so very appropriately) "Help! I married a doctor!" For knitters who are living the medical spouse life style.

Through that group I found this site The International Medical Spouse Network.

From the site:
"The international Medical Spouse Network (iMSN) is the the original online community made by medical spouses for medical spouses. We are a nonprofit organization, dedicated to supporting medical families during the medical training years and beyond. We provide help and encouragement to medical families as they navigate the medical education process and eventually finish residency or fellowship through our online community forums, spouse liaison program and relocation resources. Enjoy our annual Secret Santa program, participate in our cookie exchange our kick back and discuss your favorite books. Our members also host local get-togethers and forge offline friendships."

How great is this??? I think it says something that medical spouses need an international support network. I'm so happy to have found this!

I also found this game: Infection. MUST BUY THIS GAME. As a medical student's wife, hospital employee, and RN's daughter, I find this concept hilarious.

This totally just made my day :-)


Unknown said...

This sounds like a game made for you.

Unknown said...

This sounds like a game made for you.